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4 Signs of Great Sod

Signs of Great Sod

If your lawn is dried out and brown… well, that’s just not going to cut it.

Sod—also known as turf—might be the perfect solution for you. Installing turf will give you fast results that will put life back into your lawn, just in time for summer.

Here are 4 things to look for when choosing sod.

#1 The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side

When you’re looking for that perfect roll of sod, make sure that the roll has the same shade of green throughout. You don’t need to inspect each blade of grass, but you should check out if any patches are starkly different.

Be especially wary of brown patches—we know, that might seem obvious, but sometimes people tend to settle if the patch is small. A brown patch can be an indication of much bigger problems though: Either over-fertilizing or under-fertilizing. 

Even if both shades look healthy, the difference in colour may mean the sod was left out too long without proper maintenance. Don’t take the risk: Keep browsing until you find sod with a consistent shade.

#2 Get to the Root

Healthy Roots

You can tell A LOT by your sod’s roots. Make sure the roots have these two important characteristics:

  1. Tangled Mesh: It’s a good sign if the roots are a big mess. This sod will be able to handle installation a lot better and it will be quicker to root to your lawn (as long as you have healthy topsoil, of course).
  2. Thick & Moist: Do not buy sod if the roots look dehydrated, thin, and loose. You want roots that feel lush and healthy. 

#3 Soil Thickness: It Matters

Typically, your sod should only have about 1 inch of soil.

A thick layer of soil will mean that the roots of your new grass seed won’t be able to grow deep enough to connect with your topsoil. If this soil is too thick, you may fail at establishing a proper lawn.

The same is true for a THIN layer. Grass seed needs stability to establish roots, but a thin layer may not give the support the roots need.

Pro tip: Lawn topsoil should be about 4-6 inches thick before installing sod on top. Ask a pro if your topsoil is healthy to make sure your turf survives.

#4 Freshly Harvested

When you’re buying sod, it’s important that the rolls are freshly harvested. Ideally, sod should be harvested and replanted within 8 hours.

Yes, you could just ask when sod rolls arrived from the farm, but we recommend doing your own detective work. Look for these signs:

  • The soil should NOT be cracked and crumbling
  • Warm rolls could mean the sod has been out in the sun too long
  • There isn’t a thick layer of lawn thatch, especially dead grass.

Hire The Pros

The best way to know you’re investing in high-quality sod is to work with professionals, like us!

This is a great time to lay down your fresh turf. June has damp, dewy mornings that are fantastic for a fresh sod install. 

Earth and Turf Landscaping can help. Get your quote within 24 hours!