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The Benefits of Recycling Yard Grass and Leaves


To make your lawn look attractive and healthy, it is important to increase the organic matter of your lawn soil. With the right amount of organic matter, the soil’s capacity to hold water and nutrients increases.

Green waste recycling is simple, easy, and environmentally friendly. Recycling your yard waste will also lessen landfill trash. With that in mind, your property enjoys the benefit of grasscycling while saving the environment.

Here are a few reasons to recycle your grass and/or leaves!

Nutrients for Your Soil

One of the most valuable benefits for your property when recycling grass and leaves is that you can have a rich, nutritious fertilizer for free. Microorganisms in the soil obtain nutrients from grass clippings and fallen leaves. Turning your green waste into a natural fertilizer will also improve the quality of your soil.

Limit Evaporation

Grasscycling, which is the term used for recycling grass clippings, maintains your soil’s natural fertility. Apart from that, the layer that grass clippings create shades your topsoil from the sun, thus reducing evaporation. It allows you to cut back on the amount of water for your plants. Aside from saving money, it reduces excessive watering, which washes away nutrients and erodes soil.

Reduces Landfill Wastes

There are areas where yard wastes are not allowed in landfills. For such areas, recycling of leaves and grass is undoubtedly a great idea. So, if you are not permitted to put your organic wastes in landfills, don’t stress! This is also a great way to reduce the difficulty and expense of finding an alternative disposal site.

Promotes a Healthy Ecosystem

Beneficial organisms that will help make your soil more nutritious for your grass and plants and keep the pests away will thrive in your garden. Also, your leaf litter will serve as a habitat and a place where creatures like squirrels, turtles, etc., can forage. You’ll be creating a natural and healthy ecosystem on your property by recycling your yard waste.

See how much yard debris can be kept on your property to improve the organic matter of the soil, feed the soil food web and protect the soil.  After all, why drag the yard debris to the curb, just to drive to the garden center later to buy bags of compost.