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Keeping Your Trees Healthy in the Winter


Even tho it’s February, Albertans know that our winter can last well into May! While we hope you prepped your trees for winter, the idea often escapes most homeowners. Let’s dive into what winter weather means for your trees!

Mature trees are a valuable commodity in the yard

Mature trees are a valuable commodity in the yard because they take a long time to establish and then become gorgeous specimens that provide shade and year-round benefit to wildlife. Protecting them by keeping them in great health is an effective way to invest in the long-term look of your landscape. Intense weather events can take their toll on even the healthiest and oldest of trees.

Sometime back in mid to late summer, your trees stopped growing. They naturally did this to allow their new growth time to mature or “harden” before winter. As temperatures begin to fall, another internal trigger is about to go off. The leaves of deciduous trees will start to change color and eventually drop to the ground signaling their entry into dormancy.

Your trees need no extra watering in the dormant winter season

Your trees need no extra watering in the dormant winter season unless they’ve been recently planted. The dormant winter season is a great time to prune trees before they push out any new growth in the spring. Look at the overall structure of your tree and select which branches need to be removed. For people with black thumbs or who are new to pruning, it’s a good idea to hire a professional who can teach you the proper techniques or can simply do the pruning for you. 

Remove dead or broken branches

Remove dead or broken branches with a clean cut so that the tree will self-heal. Leaving dead or broken branches on the tree can create rough breaks where moisture and organisms will move in and degrade the tree.

You may also want to consider removing low branches is a way to allow for more light into the space below your tree and is mostly for aesthetic purposes

Did you get your trees prepped for winter? If not, it’s never too late but keep this in mind for the next winter season!