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5 Benefits of Residential Landscaping for Your Property

Landscaping Features

So, you’re thinking about hiring a professional landscaper to do some work on your property, but you’re unsure if it’s worth the investment. 

This is a common problem. However, most people don’t realize that there are many benefits of residential landscaping that extend far beyond just making your property look more visually appealing. 

Here are 5 of the top benefits of investing in residential landscaping services for your property:

Increases the Resale Value of Your Home

Not only will a residential landscaping service make your property look fantastic, but it can also significantly increase the resale value of your home. In fact, in many cases, the value added to your home will far exceed the cost of installing hardscape or softscape features to your yard in the first place!

In fact, landscaping can increase the resale value of your home by as much as 14 percent, resulting in thousands of dollars in appreciation to your home!

How’s that for an investment?

Prevents Erosion

Residential landscape features such as trees, shrubs, or even retaining walls can play a role in significantly decreasing erosion on your property.

For example, if your home is located on a slope, sometimes dirt will start to slide when it rains or when the snow melts in the spring. A low retaining wall can help prevent this from happening.

Improves Air Quality

Just a single tree can absorb over one tonne of carbon dioxide throughout its lifetime. Combine this with the similar carbon dioxide filtering effects of bushes, shrubs, and other softscape vegetation on your property, and you can begin to see why landscaping can be very healthy for the environment.

Improves Quality of Life

According to this article published in the Atlantic, people are able to achieve peak happiness when looking at or experiencing things of beauty. 

When people think of beauty, they generally think of art. However, this could also include a gorgeous hardscape feature right in your own back yard.

Also, if you take the time to build residential landscape features in your yard, you’re likely to spend more time outside in nature – another thing that has been proven to increase happiness and quality of life.

Creates a Space for Friends and Family to Get Together

Sometimes the hustle and bustle of everyday life prevents you from seeing your friends and family as often as you should. Residential landscaping helps to make your yard beautiful and gives you an excuse to get your loved ones together to enjoy an evening in your beautiful yard. 

Whether this means installing a stunning patio or a glamorous garden fountain, the choice is up to you!

Residential Landscaping Services in Edmonton

If you need residential landscaping services in Edmonton, Earth and Turf Landscaping can help. Our team of expert staff has been providing landscaping solutions in Edmonton for years and would love to help transform your dream project into reality. Contact us today to learn more.