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6 Great Strategies for a Stunning Lawn 


The lawn often makes up the largest portion of your property and also happens to be one of the most noticeable features. 

Friends, family, neighbours, and many others take note when someone has gone above and beyond to make their lawn look great. However, on the other hand, it’s really easy to see who hasn’t put in the time or effort to take care of their lawn.

Without constant care, there are a number of less-than-ideal consequences for your lawn. For example, weeds could begin to creep onto your grass until they have eventually established a permanent residence on your property. Or, perhaps neglecting to water your grass has resulted in several unattractive dead patches.

Whatever the case may be, we’re here to help! Earth and Turf Landscaping has been providing lawn care services in Edmonton for years.

Here are some of the best practices we recommend to help keep your Edmonton lawn looking great!

Weed Removal

Dandelions. A lawn’s worst nightmare. 

Sometimes it seems absolutely impossible to prevent weeds from taking over your property. However, there is a way to do so.

Regular application of weed spray or manual weed removal can kill weeds before they have a chance to spread their seeds, in turn protecting your lawn from their ugly stems. 


Aeration involves punching thousands of tiny holes into the surface of your lawn. While this might look strange at first, the process ensures enough water and nutrients are getting to the roots of your grass. 

The result is a much thicker and fuller lawn in just a few weeks from the time of aeration. 


Often, your lawn doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to grow into a luscious stretch of green grass. 

This could be for a number of reasons. For example, uneven ground on your property could mean some places receive too many nutrients, while others, none at all. 

In order to avoid this, consider regularly applying fertilizer to your lawn.

Mowing & Edging

Nothing looks better than a yard of freshly mown grass with smooth lines created from the blades of the mower. 

In order to maintain this aesthetic look, make sure you remember to mow and edge your lawn at least once per week. 


We all understand that a lawn needs adequate hydration to grow.

However, many people still struggle to find the time to turn on the sprinkler for just a few minutes each day. It can be tempting to just say, “I’ll let the rain do it,” but if there’s an extended period of time without rain, your lawn might be at risk of drying out. 

Tree Removal

You might be thinking, “what does tree removal have to do with making my lawn look great?”

As it turns out, removing certain trees in your yard can have a significant impact on the health of your lawn. For example, overhanging branches might be limiting the amount of sunlight that shines through to your grass, causing its growth to be stunted.

Or, tree roots might absorb all of the water in a certain area, preventing your grass from growing lush and thick. 

Earth & Turf – An Edmonton Landscaping Company 

Whether you need aeration, mowing, fertilization, or any other lawn care service, Earth & Turf is here to help. We’ve been providing lawn and landscaping services in Edmonton for years and our experienced team has the know-how and equipment to help make your lawn stand out!

Contact us today to learn more!